Thursday, August 7, 2014


Belated blog post!  Sorry fan club (of just me) it has been a while!  I thought I would talk about my current project....SCALES!

Lately I have been focusing on the basics.  I am spending the majority of my practice time working scales and other basic things that one takes for granted.  Perfecting my scales helps improve my overall ability to play and my understanding of key.  Focusing on something as simple as moving from note to note I can really listen to my playing.  As a musician we assume we are listening to ourselves, but so often we actually hear what we want to hear and don't take the time to listen to what we are doing.  Actively listening allows you to hone your technique and finger coordination, tone quality and control, dynamics, vibrato, and so on.  I definitely suggest giving some of your practice regiment to work on the basics!  Here is a nice little article about scales for more reading :)


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