Monday, July 29, 2013

Interesting Oboe Fact

Famous Oboist From our Past!

Ludwig August Lebrun, born May 2, 1752 and died December 16, 1790, was a Mannheim, Germany born oboist and composer.  He started playing with the orchestra at the court of Prince-Electro Carl Theodor in Mannheim at the age of 12 and was a full member by the time he was 15.  Lebrun was a contemporary of Carl Stamitz and Anton Stamitz, and belonged to the Mannheim school.  He married a well known soprano, Fraziska Danzi, and they perfromed frequently together.  Many pieces were written for the two musicians.  Charles Burney comments on their playing "Franziska Danzi and the excellent oboist Lebrun usually travel together, and it seems as though she has listened to nothing other than his instrument, for when they perform together in thirds and sixths one cannot hear which is the upper or the lower voice!"

*Information courtesy of Wikipedia (accessed 7/29/2013).

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