Sunday, April 28, 2013


So I am now teaching piano at Mattix Music Studio in Sycamore!  Just wanted to share my lovely Bio and Headshot with you all!

Stepher Eng is a piano, oboe and theater teacher.  She is pursuing a Masters of Music in Oboe Performance at Northern Illinois University. Playing the oboe and piano for over 18 years, she currently plays with the Illinois Valley Symphony Orchestra and Northern Winds Woodwind Quintet.  She has studied piano with William Koehler and JeongSoo Kim. Stepher also works heavily in the children’s theatre scene in Chicago where she helped found Brain Surgeon Theater; a company that focuses on creating rock musicals with children and professional actors. She has performed with the Chicago Chamber Orchestra, the Classical Symphony Orchestra, and the Lake Shore Symphony Orchestra and the Wheaton Municipal Band.  She believes strongly in music advocacy and education. Stepher approaches her teaching to promote a life in music through appreciation and personal fulfillment. 

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