Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Concert Tomorrow

Concert Tomorrow!

Tomorrow (Thursday, June 13) I will be performing with the Wheaton Municipal Band at 8 PM, Memorial Park (Wheaton IL)

Please join for FREE for a night under the stars and listening to some great band music including Verdi and Wagner!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Recapitulation: June 6th

My first concert this season with the Wheaton Municipal Band this past Thursday, June 6th, was a great success.  The band emphatically opened the season with guest Wheaton middle school student musicians joining the ranks!  The temperatures were a bit chilly (understatement!) but we mustered through.  Yes I was wearing as many layers under my classic Wheaton blue blazer as possible.  The night ended true to the surprises of live music with Russell Alexander's Olympia Hippodrome March (1898).  Our fearlesss leader, Bruce Moss, forgot the entire last strain of the march and the band following his lead (well almost all of us!).  So to be true to the composer and fair to our audience we went back and performed the last strain repeat as our true encore. 

Upcoming Events: June 13

 My next concert with the Wheaton Municipal Band will be:

June 13 -  Verdi and Wagner Bicentennial!

Thursday 8 PM
in Memorial Park, Wheaton, IL.Overtures and operatic classics abound on the 200th birthday of these beloved composers. Students from Wheaton High Schools will join the WMB to perform Wagner’s “Elsa’s Procession to the Cathedral” and other favorites.