Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Newest Project

So I am reading Ray Still's online book and I've decided to seriously start to collect a solid teaching repertoire.  I use a lot of method books to give beginners a chance to learn how to move their fingers, air, embouchure, etc. But I always get bored of the student just going through the motions since the books get really repetitive.  Still suggests using actual music or making actual music to hone the basic skills.  This is a great idea!  That being said I need to start collecting pieces (experts to full tunes) that are good for all levels.  I find that I will get ahead of myself (actually my student) and assign an actual composed piece and then it is too much for them to handle.  I am still learning how to teach better everyday so any suggestions are welcome. 

So far I have Sinfonia from Cantata 156 (JS Bach)
Also the solo melody from Swan lake I've started to use and that seems to be going well for intervals and jumps for a beginner.
More to come! Feel free to share your knowledge.

Monday, April 6, 2015

More Genius Thoughts from Ray Still

"The body is smarter than the mind; if you think in terms of the goal, the body can do the rest, unhindered by too much thinking."

-Ray Still