Monday, July 29, 2013

Interesting Oboe Fact

Famous Oboist From our Past!

Ludwig August Lebrun, born May 2, 1752 and died December 16, 1790, was a Mannheim, Germany born oboist and composer.  He started playing with the orchestra at the court of Prince-Electro Carl Theodor in Mannheim at the age of 12 and was a full member by the time he was 15.  Lebrun was a contemporary of Carl Stamitz and Anton Stamitz, and belonged to the Mannheim school.  He married a well known soprano, Fraziska Danzi, and they perfromed frequently together.  Many pieces were written for the two musicians.  Charles Burney comments on their playing "Franziska Danzi and the excellent oboist Lebrun usually travel together, and it seems as though she has listened to nothing other than his instrument, for when they perform together in thirds and sixths one cannot hear which is the upper or the lower voice!"

*Information courtesy of Wikipedia (accessed 7/29/2013).

Friday, July 26, 2013

Upcoming Events: July 27

July 27 -  Morton Gould: An AMERICAN SALUTE

Saturday 8 PM
Wheaton College Edman Chapel : 501 College Ave, Wheaton, IL 60187
FREE Admission, no tickets required.

We celebrate the centennial of the birth of legendary American composer and conductor Morton Gould with many of his favorite audience pleasers. Special guest Abby G. Burton joins us for stories of her father’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, his induction as one of the Kennedy Center Honorees, and his friendship with Benny Goodman (and other musical celebrities of the day)! MSgt Jay Niepoetter, United States Marine Band and alumnus of the Wheaton Municipal Band, joins us as special clarinet soloist.

This is a free event!  I'd love to see you there!

Friday, July 5, 2013


The past couple of weeks have been crazy.  I did a piano festival in Rockford, IL featuring a traditional piano forte.  I performed with a small chamber group two Mozart Piano Concertos.  It was a lovely time and the piano was amazing.  Also this past week was the fourth of July!  The Wheaton Municipal Band performed on Tuesday night for our holiday Independence Day Concert with guest conductor Lieutenant Commander Lorelei Conrad.  She was a joy and programmed a great concert that was fun to play and fabulous to hear!  I then marched in the Wheaton July 4th Parade.  Oiy!  Me and an alto saxaphone marched for an hour playing Sousa marches.  Oboe and Alto Sax fingers are close, but not close enough that I played well.